Thursday, August 27, 2009


I Can't believe Summer is almost over. I blinked and time marched on. We celebrated the birth of our second son this July. I am trying to figure out how all of those mothers with more than one child manage. I knew that the first few months are extremely hard from past experience, but add 6 more years to my age from the birth of the first one and I think I should have done this when I was a lot younger.

I took the baby to the doctors today because he has been very gassy. I thought there might be something stronger than mylecon drops. Turns out there isn't. Great!!!! Another long night of fussy baby. Mix in a little colic and we have a wonderful recipe of sleepless nights. The bad part is that my husband and I both don't work well on lack of sleep. I don't function unless I get at least 8 hours. Maybe tonight will be better.