Tuesday, September 20, 2011


What? It's close to the end of September already? I thought working part time would allow all kinds of free time to spend with the kiddo's and art projects. Turns out that is so not the case. I am lucky to get some laundry done and the house picked up once a week! I do love spending more time with the little guys. I think I would be fine with working 1 day a week. Ok maybe 2. But 2 would be plenty.

I wanted to post this funny picture of Jojo. I had to vacuum the floor and I put Quins chair up. Jojo thought it was great. He is such a funny dog.

I am storing all my grand ideas up and in a couple of years I can't wait to use them. I figure when Quin is in grade school or preschool I will be able to focus my career towards art. Right now he needs me and I need him.